Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Art 1023 January 26, 2010

The dry brush and thick application of paint were two methods that we were told should be apparent in our paintings at this point in time. We were also reminded to hold the brush on the side and not like a pencil as we began to work today. Using the side of a big brush and shadow white paint, we sketched in the bowl design and the inside of the bowl. Mixing a lighter color we then painted the brightest areas of the design and top edge of the bowl.

The dark areas of the grey canister were painted using the side of the brush. Reflective objects seen on the canister were then painted. The rule for painting reflective objects is to never add the color you see to your painting. Instead you mix the color into the pool paint you are using for the object. Sharp edges are smoothed and softened by dragging the brush over the area where the two shades of color meet. Wiping the edges with a dry brush they then bleed into each other. The background around the canister and drawing lines were also painted.

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